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Fire Safety

Wild Forest Fires

It is very important to be fire safe while living in this beautiful neighborhood. We work together as a community to keep safe from fire. Here are a few things to ensure on your property:

- Keep all roofs clean of leaves and debris.

- Move your woodpile 30 ft. away from your house.

- Remove dead trees, brush and branches from your property.

- Remove litter, boxes, etc. from under your deck.

- Install a reflective address sign in front of your house.

- The Fire Safe Council’s website has information about defensible space. Having a defensible space includes keeping your property clear of surface and ladder fuels (such as those mentioned above), which can cause fire to spread. You can learn more at their website at

-Link to Aldercroft Heights Emergency Plans:

-Link to Santa Clara County FireSafe Council (“Aldercroft Evacuation Workshop.pptx”)

-Link to Family Disaster Plan work sheet

-Link to Homeowners Checklist

-Link to California Fire Safe Council documents ("Defensible Space" and "Hardened Homes")

-Link to Embers Awareness work sheet


Emergency Phone numbers:

911 - Police/Fire/Medical
211 - non-emergency access to health and human services
AlertSCC - get emergency alerts on your landline or mobile phone -

Agencies Responding to Aldercroft Heights:

Santa Clara County Fire Safe Council -
Santa Clara County Fire Department -
CalFire -
Santa Clara County Sherrif's Office -
Santa Clara County Emergency Medical Services -


Social Media Accounts

Community Discussions:

95033 Fire/Emergency/Traffic Facebook page:

95033Talk Fire Resources:  

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